Latest peer reviewed publications

Matos, P., Rocha, B., Pinho, P., Miranda, V., Pina, P., Goyanes, G. & Vieira, G. (2024). Microscale is key to model current and future Maritime Antarctic vegetation. Science of The Total Environment, 946, 174171.

Mendes, O., & Fragoso, M. (2024). Recent changes in climate extremes in Guinea-Bissau. African Geographical Review, 1–19.

Mendes, F., Petean, F., Correia, E. & Lopes, A. (2024). A Proximity-Based Approach for the Identification of Fallen Species of Street Trees during Strong Wind Events in Lisbon. Land, 13, 708.

Projecto de Tese de Doutoramento

Desfesa de Projecto de Tese de Doutoramento 
Foi denfendido com o sucesso o Projecto de Tese de Doutoramento "Caracterização agroclimática das regiões costeiras da Guiné-Bissau e sua influência na produção do arroz  de mangal".

Candidato: Mestre Orlando Mendes

Arguência: Profª Doutora Maria José Roxo - Univ. Nova de Lisboa

Orientador: Prof Doutor Marcelo Fragoso - IGOT



"MALMON is a 5-year project funded by the European Community within the “Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture” (DeSIRA) initiative [FOOD/2019/412-700, DeSIRA_GB]”"

"The purpose of MALMON project is maximizing immediate and long-term impact of public investments through the mobilization and integration of science and local knowledge capable to improve mangrove rice farming system and to support the contribution of mangroves’ products and services to the livelihood."

The Zephyrus group is a project partner under the supervision of Marcelo Fragoso.


Latest peer reviewed publications

Leal, M.; Fragoso, M.; Lopes, S. & Reis, E. (2020) Material damage caused by high-magnitude rainfall based on insurance data: Comparing two flooding events in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and Madeira Island, Portugal. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51, 101806;

Neto, C.; Costa, J.C.; Figueiredo, A.; Capelo, J.; Gomes, I.; Vitória, S.; Semedo, J.M.; Lopes, A.; Dinis, H.; Correia, E.; Duarte, M.C. & Romeiras, M.M. (2020)  The Role of Climate and Topography in Shaping the Diversity of Plant Communities in Cabo Verde Islands. Diversity, 12 (2), 80;

Reis, C.; Lopes, A.; Correia, E. & Fragoso, M. (2020). Local Weather Types by Thermal Periods: Deepening the Knowledge about Lisbon's Urban Climate. Atmosphere, 11 (8),  840;

